The Learning for Life Proud to be part of The Learning for Life

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!! Summer 1 2024:

Key information:

Y2H Class Teacher: Miss Hillard.

Y2H Teaching Assistant: Miss Valente.

Y2BM Class Teacher: Miss Baugh.

Y2BM Teaching Assistant: Miss Amson

PPA cover/support staff: Mr Raisewell (PE), Miss Valente and Miss Blackledge will be working across Year 2 for PPA cover, Thursday PM and Monday PM.

Pick up and drop off: All Year 2 children will enter school through the infant playground door at 8.40am (this is the door they normally enter through). The school day begins at 8.45. Children should be collected at 3.15pm from the infant playground. The gates will open at approx. 3.10.

PE Days: Year 2 will have PE on Wednesday and Friday PM. Children should come to school in their PE kit suitable for outdoor weather.



Curriculum overview for the Summer 1 term:

English – Writing

The Last Wolf

This half-term we will be looking at the book ‘Major Glad and Major Dizzy’. We will be using various genres of writing to explore new vocabulary and learn new writing skills, highlighted below:

Spring 2 ENG keys

Our final piece of writing this term is to write a letter in role persuading characters to save the trees.


English – Reading


The book we will be studying in our guided reading session this term is ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’.

Fantastic Mr Fox

During our reading lessons we will be looking at a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction books. We will look at how to create inferences based on what we have read, alongside discussing our favourite words and phrases. We will continue to work on asking and answering questions, understanding what we have read, predicting what may happen next. We are also looking at how to review books we have read and if they are similar to any other books we have read.




The Maths units we will cover before SATS are fractions, time, statistics and position and direction:



  • We will be able to recognise, write and find groups of halves, thirds, quarters and two quarters.



  • We will be able to tell the time to the hour, half hour, quarter to and past and in five minute intervals.



  • We will be able to use and create tally charts, tables and pictograms.


Position and direction


  • We will be looking at movements and turns, such as left or right turns, incorporating fractions, such as ‘one quarter turn right’.


Times tables focus: 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s.


Topic – ‘Great British coasts’.


The focus of our topic this term is Geography. We will be looking at the continents and oceans around the world. We will also look into the different climate zones and how this affects weather. Finally, we will learn all about the Great Barrier Reef, how climate change is affecting it and similarities and differences with UK coastal towns.


Science – ‘Materials’:


This half-term our topic in science is ‘Materials’. We will be focusing on understanding the properties of different materials, such as absorbency or flexibility, and how this impacts their purpose or use. We will also consider what materials can be recycled and how this should impact our decision-making.


Design and technology – ‘Moving sea monsters’:


This term our D&T project is to create a ‘moving sea monster’ using card, pens, crayons and paper fasteners. We will need to investigate different mechanisms and their use. We will also design, create and evaluate our finished product.



Mrs. Valente will be teaching us music, using a variety or percussion instruments and different songs.


PSHE – ‘relationships’:


In PSHE we will be looking at ‘relationships’. In this unit we will cover different types of families, keeping safe (touch/hugs), friends and conflicts, secrets, trust and appreciation and celebrating my special relationships.





Our computing unit is around effective searching.



WE are covering ‘How do some people talk to god’ – which looks into churches, Christian prayer and Hindu prayer.



Useful Links




Please look at the following websites and apps to support your child's learning at home:



White Rose Maths 1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths

Times Tables Rock Stars Times Tables Rock Stars (



Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - Spelling made awesomer!



Purple Mash by 2Simple



Long Term Plan